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International Women’s Day Panel Event: An Interview with Marie Macdonald

International Womens Day event 5

As we approach International Women's Day, our Employment Law team is delighted to announce that we will host a panel discussion event, themed #inspireinclusion, on Tuesday, March 12th, at our Glasgow office. The panel members, from diverse backgrounds, include experts from the legal, business, and public sector, all of whom are firmly committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Ahead of the event, we have asked our panel members questions to set the stage for an insightful discussion. We started by interviewing Marie Macdonald, our Chairman and head of the Employment Law team. Marie has over 20 years of experience in employment law and is a recognised leader in the legal community.

Keep an eye on our social media channels for interviews with the other panel members over the next few weeks and we hope to see you at our Glasgow office for what promises to be an inspirational and thought provoking event.

1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself Marie?

As a mother, daughter, sister, and dog lover, I am grateful for the many roles I play in life. I am also honoured to be the Partner and Chairman of Miller Samuel Hill Brown, where I lead the Employment Law department. Achieving accreditation as a specialist in Employment Law by the Law Society of Scotland in 2006 was a significant milestone in my career. Now, as Co-Chair of the International Lawyers Network Labour and Employment Group and Honorary Legal Counsel for Badminton Scotland, I am proud to use my expertise to make a difference in the world.

2. What advice did you receive early in your career that has stayed with you?

"Always stay true to yourself and remain strong" is a piece of advice that has stayed with me throughout my career. It is a reminder to never to lose sight of who you are, and to always have the courage to stand firm in your beliefs.

3. What does gender equality mean to you?

Gender equality is the cornerstone of a just and compassionate society. It grants every individual the opportunity to flourish and reach their full potential, no matter their gender. By embracing and promoting gender equality, we can build a world that is fair, equitable, and inclusive for all. It's not just a goal we should strive for but a beacon of hope that inspires us to create a better future for everyone.

4. Why do you think diversity in the workplace is so important?

A workplace that values diversity is a thriving and dynamic place to be. Embracing differences in perspectives, cultures, and backgrounds leads to a more inclusive and welcoming environment where everyone can bring their unique talents and ideas to the table. This creates a space where creativity and innovation can flourish, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving. By celebrating diversity, businesses can forge stronger connections with their employees and customers and position themselves for success in today's ever-evolving global marketplace.

5. This year's International Women’s Day theme is #InspireInclusion, what does this mean to you?

It's a call to action, asking us to stop talking about inclusivity and take tangible steps to make it a reality. This year's theme reminds us that we all have the power to bring about change and make the world a more equitable place. So, let's stop talking and make it happen!

6. What's the most valuable advice you can pass on to those striving for gender equality?

Remember, never compromise! Compromising on key issues can hinder progress. Stand firm on important principles and values that matter to you. By advocating for fair treatment, equal opportunities, and respect for all individuals, we can make a difference and pave the way for a better future. Always be willing to speak up and take action when faced with inequality or discrimination. Together, we can make a difference and achieve true equality for all.

Make a difference in your workplace by joining us for a thought-provoking discussion on practical solutions to create positive change. Our upcoming event promises to be an enriching experience that will inspire you to take action. Make sure to secure your spot, as seats are limited. Sign up now!

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