The Supreme Court has ruled that a woman can take legal action against her millionaire husband, almost 20 years after their divorce.

Kathleen Wyatt, first took legal action against Dale Vince, founder of wind-power firm Ecotricity, in 2011 with the business tycoon now expected to be worth around £107 million.

Despite the claims from Mr Vince that his ex-wife had taken legal action too late, five Supreme Court justices unanimously ruled Ms Wyatt's case should go before the family court.


The claim highlights the fact that regardless of how much time has passed following a divorce, you may be able to take legal action if you have split from a partner.

The Court ruled that Ms Wyatt's case was "legally recognisable" and not "an abuse of the process". The court did state however that the £1.9 million payout that Mr Vince's ex-wanted was a step too far.

"Hard to Defend."

Mr Vince branded the court's decision "mad".

In a statement he said: "I feel that we all have a right to move on, and not be looking over our shoulders.

"This could signal open season for people who had brief relationships a quarter of a century ago."

He added that it was "hard to defend yourself" under such circumstances.

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