We just wanted to remind you our next "Ask the Expert" employment law seminar is taking place this coming Wednesday, 4th June, being hosted along with Syme Drummond.

As indicated in our last email, this will be a "holiday special", focussing on annual leave and the Working Time Regulations. The seminar seems to be scheduled at just the right time in light of recent court decisions. Indeed, the ECJ decision in the case of Lock v British Gas Trading which was announced last Thursday makes now a great time to get your head around what your obligations are under the WTR. The court's decision that employers need to account for commission that an employee would have earned had they not been on annual leave when calculating holiday pay is just another (unwanted?!) complexity that employers need to consider.

We hope that the session will be shaped by you and would welcome any questions relating to these matters. These can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in advance of the seminar. We will also leave time at the end of the session for questions on the day, whether in respect of holidays or more general HR/ employment law queries, so please also send us an email (to the same address) about any other issues you would like us to discuss and we will try and cover as much as we can.

The details for the seminar are:

Location:                                  29, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow

Date:                                        Wednesday 4th June 2014

Time:                                        Registration and buffet 12.30pm

Seminar:                                   12.45pm

Coffee and networking:             1.45 until the office calls you back!

Cost:                                        FREE
To reserve a place for you, your colleagues and/ or contacts, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We look forward to seeing you on 4th June for some more lively discussion!