The Scottish Government has introduced a bill to the Scottish Parliament to reform the law of negative prescription, by which certain legal rights disappear if not acted upon. 

The Prescription (Scotland) Bill will refine the law to increase clarity, certainty and fairness for those in dispute over certain rights and obligations, such as rights and obligations under a contract, and allow for more effective use of time and resources.

The bill implements recommendations from the Scottish Law Commission which highlighted issues within the law of negative prescription that can cause difficulty in practice, leading to unnecessary inconvenience and expense.

“Negative prescription plays an important role in balancing individual interests, between creditors and debtors,” commented Legal Affairs Minister Annabelle Ewing. “It also serves the public interest in legal certainty by having claims raised promptly. Reform is necessary to remove grey areas in the existing law, such as contention regarding the date the prescription clock starts ticking.”

Looking at the bill in more it detail, it will:

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