Best Bar None Award Scheme Launches Across Scotland

The Best Bar None Scotland multi-agency scheme has now launched across Scotland for 2023. The scheme provides a national accreditation and was developed to improve standards and safety within Scotland’s hospitality industry.

The aim is to promote positive relations and responsible management in the operation of licensed premises such as pubs, bars and nightclubs. At Hill Brown Licensing, we would encourage operators to take part in the scheme.

Any premises who wishes to take part in the initiative must demonstrate they adhere to the five key objectives set out in the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005, being; prevention of crime and disorder, protection of public safety, protection of the environment, promotion of public health and protection of children and young persons from harm. The scheme is designed to allow partner agencies to work together with licensed premises in creating a safer industry.

Best Bar None Scotland is co-ordinated nationally by Retailers Against Crime (RAC) and backed by the drinks industry as well as Police Scotland, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and the Scottish Licensed Trade Association. The initiative is also supported by local councils, business improvement districts (BIDs) and the Scottish Government.

Best Bar None Scotland is currently operational in a number of areas across Scotland with further details available on their website. We were delighted to see a number of our clients recognised in all categories last year. If you would like to participate in the award scheme, you can visit the Best Bar None Scotland website here to begin the application process. 

Audrey Junner